Guntur Rural Mandal
Guntur Rural Mandal is one of the mandal out of 57 mandals in guntur district, Andhra Pradesh.which is 3 from guntur city, Guntur Rural Mandal is part of capital of Andhra Pradesh (crda).Headquarter of Guntur Rural mandal is located in Guntur, China Palakaluru is the least populated & Gorantla is the high population village in guntur Mandal.
Number of villages in Guntur Rural Mandal : 11.
Total Population of Guntur Rural Mandal : 779289
Female population of Guntur Rural Mandal : 389582
Male population of Guntur Rural Mandal : 389707
Villages in Guntur Rural Mandal with Pin codes and population:
S.No | Town / Village Name | Pincodes | No of Households | Persons | Males | Females |
1. | Ankireddipalem (Rural) | 522005 | 3,826 | 15,679 | 7,930 | 7,749 |
2. | Budampadu | 522017 | 1,101 | 4,444 | 2,240 | 2,204 |
3. | China Palakaluru | 522437 | 883 | 3,588 | 1,836 | 1,752 |
4. | Chowdavaram | 522019 | 1,007 | 3,973 | 2,005 | 1,968 |
5. | Etukur | 522003 | 1,540 | 6,224 | 3,127 | 3,097 |
6. | Gorantla | 522034 | 3,855 | 16,051 | 8,054 | 7,997 |
7. | Guntur (Rural) | 522004 | 1,534 | 6,170 | 3,064 | 3,106 |
8. | Jonnalagadda | 522034 | 1,132 | 4,607 | 2,349 | 2,258 |
9. | Nallapadu (Rural) | 522005 | 1,834 | 7,599 | 3,872 | 3,727 |
10. | Peda Palakaluru | 522009 | 3,128 | 12,706 | 6,458 | 6,248 |
11. | Pothur | 522005 | 1,484 | 6,041 | 3,043 | 2,998 |