
Area details
Area of village (in hectares) 949
Number of households 3,154
Population data based on 2001 census
Total population – Persons 12,246
Total population – Males 6,179
Total population – Females 6,067

Number of primary schools 8
Number of middle schools 2
Number of secondary schools 2

Land use (Two decimal) in hectares
Number of government canal 414.40
Tube-well (with electricity) 379.60
Total irrigated area 794.00
Unirrigated area 17.00
Area not available for cultivation 138.00


Nutakki is a major village in Mangalagiri Mandal, located in Guntur District, AndhraPradesh, India(Bharat). It well known for its diversity. People of different castes and religions live here peacefully.


There main occupation of the people in Nuttaki is agriculture, retail shops, real estate, part-time workers, daily labourers and self employed people like plumbers and electricians.


Varada Venugopala Swamy temple



AZPH school in Nutakki is very famous. It was establised in 1950. Many children from the surrounding villages attend the school.

vijnana vihara


Population =~ 10000

Voters list= ~ 6629 (854+1057+807+1044+1155+829+883)

Male voters = 3233 (391+521+384+515+556+401+465)

Female voters = 3396 (463+536+423+529+599+428+418)


pin code: 522303

Telephone: 08645- (275…)


How To Reach:

From Vijayawada:

By Bus:

From morning 5:30 to night 8:20 for every 50 min bus facility is there. Bus starts from Vijayawada Railway station

15 kilometers from Vijayawada.

 From Guntur:

30 kilometers from Guntur.

Head towards Mangalagiri. From mangalagiri bypass road, a direct route to Nutakki via pedavadlapudi.

From Tenali:

22 kilometers from Tenali

Head towards Mangalagiri, but at Revendrapadu have to take right turn towards nutakki

From Mangalagiri:

10 kilometers

a direct route to Nutakki via pedavadlapudi.

Nutakki Map :

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