
Area details
Area of village (in hectares) 955
Number of households 1,447

Population data based on 2001 census
Total population – Persons 6,103
Total population – Males 3,094
Total population – Females 3,009

Education facilities
Education facilities Available
Number of primary schools 5
Number of middle schools 2
Number of secondary schools 1
Number of senior secondary schools 1

Total irrigated area 418.44
Unirrigated area 128.29
Culturable waste (including gauchar and groves) 200.00
Area not available for cultivation 208.00


Guntur Rural Mandal

Guntur Rural Mandal  is one of the mandal out of  57  mandals in  guntur district, Andhra Pradesh.which is 3 from guntur city, Guntur Rural Mandal is part of capital of Andhra Pradesh (crda).Headquarter of Guntur Rural mandal is located in Guntur, China Palakaluru is the least populated & Gorantla is the high population village in guntur Mandal.

Number of villages in Guntur Rural Mandal : 11.

Total Population of Guntur Rural Mandal : 779289

Female population of Guntur Rural Mandal : 389582

Male population of Guntur Rural Mandal : 389707

Villages in Guntur Rural Mandal with Pin codes and population:

S.NoTown / Village NamePincodesNo of HouseholdsPersonsMalesFemales
1.Ankireddipalem (Rural)5220053,82615,6797,9307,749
3.China Palakaluru5224378833,5881,8361,752
7.Guntur (Rural)5220041,5346,1703,0643,106
9.Nallapadu (Rural)5220051,8347,5993,8723,727
10.Peda Palakaluru5220093,12812,7066,4586,248

Guntur Mandal Map :