Ramachandrapuram is a Located in Mangalagiri Mandal, Guntur district, AndhraPradesh. People of Ramachandrapuram lived on the other side of karakatta before 1903 and later, they decided to migrate to the other side. They selected some land to construct village and according to there status they distributed land and construct houses and temples, and left some place to Grama Panchayathi and for some other purposes Today in Ramachandrapuram almost 98% houses are buildings only
There Main Occupation is agriculture, and some are doing business like Real estate, poultry farm, rice mills, buying commodities.
Total Population =~1500
Voters list= ~827
Male voters = 397
Female voters =430
Most of Young people from ramachandrapuram are migrated to hyderabad, abroad and other places for there education and jobs purpose.
Education :
An inactive Zilla Parishath High School.
522303 and 522305.
Any of the above can be used for ramachandrapuram.
522303 is Nutakki post and 522305 is Pedapalem post
Connect To:
There is only one bus service via ramachandrapuram which travels between vijayawada to pedapalem
From Vijayawada:
By Bus:
Go to Nutakki by bus. From Nutakki, several autos are available heading towards Ramachandrapuram.
By Own vehile:
Can take a route through Karakatta. But it is advisable to take a diversion in kunchanpalli towards K L University and head towards Nutakki. Then take the route heading towards Ramachandrapuram.
From Guntur:
Head towards Mangalagiri. From the mangalagiri bypass road, a direct route to Ramachandrapuram is available via Nutakki.
From Tenali:
Travel to Revendrapadu. Many autos heading towards Ramachandrapuram are available.
From Mangalagiri:
Service autos are available from mangalagiri to nutakki. Autos heading towards Ramachandrapuram are available.