Sattenapalle Mandal is one of the mandal out of 57 mandals in guntur district, Andhra Pradeshwhich is 65 km from guntur city,Headquarter of Sattenapalle mandal is located in Satenapalle , Gorantla is the least populated & Nandigama is the high population village in Sattenapalle Mandal.
Number of villages in Sattenapalli Mandal : 17
Total Population of Sattenapalle Mandal : 56721
Male population of Sattenapalle Mandal : 28350
Female population of Sattenapalle Mandal : 28371
Villages in Sattenapalle Mandal with Pincodes and population:
S.No | Town / Village Name | Pincodes | No of Households | Persons | Males | Females |
1. | Abburu | 522402 | 870 | 3,810 | 1,901 | 1,909 |
2. | Bhatlur | 522402 | 708 | 2,932 | 1,530 | 1,402 |
3. | Bhimavaram | 522402 | 874 | 3,705 | 1,887 | 1,818 |
4. | Bhrugubanda | 522412 | 1,279 | 5,545 | 2,758 | 2,787 |
5. | Dhulipalla | 522412 | 1,305 | 5,174 | 2,638 | 2,536 |
6. | Gorantla | 522034 | 265 | 1,222 | 628 | 594 |
7. | Gudipudi | 522402 | 1,372 | 5,587 | 2,783 | 2,804 |
8. | Kankanalapalle | 522412 | 848 | 3,646 | 1,845 | 1,801 |
9. | Kantepudi | 522438 | 728 | 2,945 | 1,479 | 1,466 |
10. | Kattamuru | 522402 | 762 | 3,273 | 1,659 | 1,614 |
11. | Komerapudi | 522438 | 1,361 | 5,976 | 3,017 | 2,959 |
12. | Lakkarajugarlapadu | 522529 | 947 | 4,203 | 2,075 | 2,128 |
13. | Nandigama | 522402 | 1,362 | 6,040 | 2,758 | 3,282 |
14. | Pakalapadu | 522410 | 806 | 3,428 | 1,729 | 1,699 |
15. | Panidem | 522402 | 1,271 | 5,365 | 2,774 | 2,591 |
16. | Pedamakkena | 522402 | 1,075 | 4,404 | 2,200 | 2,204 |
17. | Rentapalla | 522410 | 1,167 | 5,038 | 2,541 | 2,497 |
Sattenapalle Mandal Map: